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. Asia Tungsten Products (Vietnam) Limited Annual Due Diligence Report 2018

Asia Tungsten Products Co Ltd (HK) owns 100% of the Vietnamese charter capital company Asia Tungsten Products Vietnam Ltd which operates a ferrotungsten refinery located in the Vinh Bao District, Haiphong, Vietnam (“ATC”).

ATC condemn all activities in the raw material sector connected to illegal or unlawful exploitation of ores that directly or indirectly finances or benefits armed groups in conflict areas. ATC support the goals and objectives of Section 1502 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010.  This commitment can be viewed on the ATC Website at


Asia Tungsten Products (Vietnam) Limited Annual Due Diligence Report 2018

Asia Tungsten Products Co Ltd (HK) owns 100% of the Vietnamese charter capital company Asia Tungsten Products Vietnam Ltd which operates a ferrotungsten refinery located in the Vinh Bao District, Haiphong, Vietnam (“ATC”).

ATC condemn all activities in the raw material sector connected to illegal or unlawful exploitation of ores that directly or indirectly finances or benefits armed groups in conflict areas. ATC support the goals and objectives of Section 1502 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010.  This commitment can be viewed on the ATC Website at

ATC has a strong commitment to the principles behind the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High Risk Areas. ATC adopted the OECD Guidance as a policy item for procurement of tungsten raw materials on 19th December 2012

ATC was granted full membership to iTSCi on the 25th September 2014.

Tungsten Mineral Purchasing

The management of the Company take responsibility for the informing of potential mineral suppliers of the Company's Conflict Minerals Policy Statement with mineral suppliers being asked to sign a Supplier Declaration of Agreement with ATC Conflict Minerals Policy.

A comprehensive due diligence checklist is used to ensure that all purchases of tungsten minerals conform to the company policies, with the purchasing of concentrate from Level 3 countries coming only from iTSCI full member suppliers that use the iTSCI tag system. Documents from each supply of tungsten raw materials are kept on site for supply chain audits. The Company is using the iTSCI due diligence programme to review the origin of the material and assess through the provision of iTSCI incident reports, assessment summaries and district and mine visit reports if the material meets the guidelines and conforms to the Company's Conflict Minerals Policy.

All senior ATC operations personnel involved in the chain of custody of tungsten minerals have also signed and committed to the policy. Operations Personnel have received training in regards to the Conflict Minerals Policy through routine Safety and Policy training sessions.


2018 Activities

Operations Personnel have received training in regards to the Conflict Minerals Policy through routine Safety and Policy training sessions.

In 2018, ATC was under shareholding restructuring, and we didn’t run production for the whole year. We had sent “Declaration of Ceased Operations” to RMI, and the 2018 annual RMI audit was not required (see attachment). We have resumed RMI programme from Jan 2019 as soon as we resumed operation.

Additional procedures have been developed to capture non-conformances within the purchasing and documentation systems to enable the continual development of due diligence procedures.

Future Commitment

Asia Tungsten Products Co Ltd (Hong Kong) and its wholly owned subsidiary Asia Tungsten Products Vietnam Ltd. continues to support EICC initiatives and actions and will continue to assess and develop due diligence procedures to ensure that all tungsten minerals purchased support the aims of a conflict free supply chain.